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    Главная » Файлы » Мои файлы

    Description of Consolation Tournament
    12.01.2013, 16:38

    Consolation tournament will be promoted for the players, who don't qualify in final and have as minimum 5 GPs at their accounts after preliminary competition is finished.

    All matches are played in knockout system till 5 points with recalculation the finish result in money.
    The players stake 5 GPs from their sum earned in preliminary competition in match prize fund.
    Finish result of match is the basis of match prize fund recalculation, where the winner always receives the difference between his and opponent's results as a winner-bonus. The looser takes the rest.

    Prize of one Game Point 1GP = 1€

    Example 1: match result between players A and B: 5:3
    Match prize fund: 5GP + 5GP = 10GP. Player А receives winner-bonus: 5GP-3GP=2GP
    Finish results (recalculated in money):
    Player А: 5GP + 2GP=  7GP => 7€
    player B 10GP - 7GP=   3GP => 3€

    Example 2: match result between players A and B: 6:1
    Match prize fund: 5GP + 5GP = 10GP. Player А receives winner-bonus: 6GP - 1GP= 5GP
    Finish results (recalculated in money):
    Player А: 5GP + 5GP= 10GP => 10€
    player B   10GP - 10GP=   0GP =>  0€.

    Категория: Мои файлы | Добавил: Jakiv
    Просмотров: 808 | Загрузок: 0 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
    Всего комментариев: 0
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